LittlestPetShop The Show Wiki
Finola Frum ID

Finola Frum is the owner of Sweet Cheeks. She is a fake psychic (in reality, she is a saleswoman for the"Nummy Nuggets" Food Corporation) who cons many pet owners into buying her brand of pet food. She also conned Mrs. Twombly into ordering large amounts of her food and allowing her to read the minds of the pets in the daycare (which she got all wrong). She also does not listen to her pet Sweet Cheeks and limits his activities. In the end, it took the combined efforts of Blythe and Sweet Cheeks (who decided to rebel against his owner) to trick Finola into revealing her scam. Needless to say, Mrs. Twombly (and everyone present at the pet store) was not amused at the deception and this would constitute a massive refund from the Nummy Nuggets corporation. The company was incredibly sorry for the deception and took everything back... except for Finola, who was fired due to conduct that was considered unethical and poor by the company. She then decided, on part from advice from Blythe, to take Sweet Cheeks to the park- much to the little critter's joy.
